We appreciate your patience with us as we continue to address our IT issues since our move in June to the new version of Moodle on the .US website (the classroom site). We realize that many of you are confused about some of these issues and our IT Department (which consists of two people) is working hard to address issues in the order of importance.
Please bear with us as we work through this process. If you have issues - please contact the appropriate person. That will help you get answers and assistance the fastest!
Also, please rest assured that no student will be penalized for IT issues! We will work with you and I know that many of you are stressed as the end of the year is coming up and you are wanting to finish up Freshmen classes so you can advance to Sophomore Year. The only classes that are required to advance to Sophomore Year are the Core classes: Wicca101/102/103, Ritual 101 and Wicca 106. All electives can be completed or sorted out during the Sophomore Year, so please don't stress. We will work with you on this issue.
Also - No grades have been lost! You as a student user may or may not be able to see them, but they are NOT lost. Your teacher can access your grades, so please ask them about this. Either they can see hidden grades on the current website or they have a file of the grades from the previous site (Before June 2012). So please contact your teacher for grade issues. If your work had NOT been graded before the June move then you will need to resubmit the work so your teacher can grade it. Otherwise your grade is there and we know what it is. Teachers should be contacting you once you complete/pass a class. You will be contacted about Sophomore Year in January 2013 at the latest as Sophomore Year does not begin until Imbolc.
If you are having problems of an IT Nature - loading homework, logging in, etc - please submit an e-mail to and someone will help you as soon as they can. Remember there are only two IT people and their current priority is repairing those issues that are affecting ALL students. If you don't hear from them in 5 days, please submit another e-mail. They are working hard to fix issues that are baffling the professional Moodle folks!
Please don't rely on other students for your information. Take advantage of the Faculty and Staff at the school, who can either answer your question or direct you to the correct person. You will get answers faster and they will be correct answers. We have the friendliest of students here and all of them try to help each other, but Faculty and Staff will be better able to assist you. 
If you have questions about your individual class - contact the teacher.
If you have questions about your subscription or registration - contact Witchy at Registration
If you have questions about the technology - contact
If you have questions about the curriculum, degrees, etc - please contact me
If you have questions about the running of the Sim, Rituals, Prim - please contact Stacia Abonwood
If you have questions about events - please contact Dreylor
Any of the above individuals can either answer your question or direct you to someone who can answer your question.
We value our students and want you to be informed! Please read your e-mails, SL Notices and Moodle Announcements (make sure your .US account forwards your announcements to your e-mail account so you receive them).
We appreciate your patience and your trust! No student will be penalized for an IT Issue - we will work with you to help your move forward in your studies.
Kara Drachnyd
Dean of Education