Now it is time for you to step into the role of apprentice cleric. This course will lead the student through writing and performing monthly rituals for the school and church. You will participate in rituals written by your fellow students. The course covers the topic selection of appropriate material for personal ritual and Moon rituals. For some this class may take more than one year to complete.
Prerequisites: Wicca 201 and Magic 201 and Wicca 106
- Teacher: Trisha Parker
Now it is time for you to step into the role of apprentice cleric. This course will lead the student through writing and performing monthly rituals for the school and church. You will participate in rituals written by your fellow students. The course covers the topic selection of appropriate material for personal ritual and Moon rituals. For some this class may take more than one year to complete.
Prerequisites: Wicca 201 and Magic 201 and Wicca 106
- Teacher: Kara D Williams
Sometimes we are stones when it comes to hearing the messages of the divine. I have been there. I bet you have too. It is not comfortable to admit it, but there you have it. So, now that that is out of he way one tool that can be used to hear the divine, or our own higher selves more clearly is Guided Meditations.
To enhance the student’s ability to participate in Guided meditations. This course focuses on the elements of a guided meditation and how to create, and successfully facilitate guided meditations. Prerequisites: Wicca 201 and Magic 201
- Teacher: Mary Malinski
Tarot - The Sacred Text of Wicca
During this class students will learn to use the Tarot as a tool for Spiritual Counseling.
For this class you will need:
The MYTHIC Tarot Deck with Book ORThe New MYTHIC Tarot Deck with BookANDThe Mythic Tarot Workbook- Priestess: Trisha Parker
Wicca 306
Our Ancestors knew the passing of time and marked the sacred days with celebration. Experience the Holy Wheel of the Year as the Sun journeys through the Astrological Zodiac. Understand why and how the Ancients celebrated these dates on the Calendar. Learn how to use the various methods of pagan symbolism to decode the sabbatical days and structure rituals to attune you with the rhythm of the Wheel of the Year.
Prerequisites: Wicca 106 and Wicca 201
- Teacher: Kara D Williams
This course delves into the New Book of the Law by Lady Galadriel at the level appropriate for those initiated into Wicca. It is open to all Juniors, including those not on the initiatory path. Prerequisites: Wicca 130 - Wiccan Law
- Teacher: Mary Malinski