Beginning with Neolithic Old Europe as a foundation, the course will build on each student’s experiences to deepen knowledge of nine powerful Dark Goddesses and associated archetypes. We will investigate the Neolithic Mother Goddess, Hekate (Hecate), Hel (Hela/Hella), Lilith, Morrigan, Sedna, Baba Yaga, Cailleach, and Persephone (Proserpina/Kore). Through the impact of those myths and their Archetypes, the student will analyze the influence on society and the individual. With that foundation, the student will interact with the deities to experience the healing power of their stories. By delving deeply into the symbolic meaning of dark goddess mythology, the student will participate in personal healing and integration of the Shadow. The knowledge and experience gained will enable the student to better fulfill the requirements of spiritual leadership.