Each week you will have one class from each of three subjects of study; Cosmic Law, Foundational Energetics, and Wiccan Philosophy. These classes, work together and when completed correctly, will begin teaching you to think in the spiral energy patterns required of an initiate. If you complete the curriculum as desired, you will notice your perspective on the world and your ability to magically interact with it change radically in the short time you take this course.

Cosmic Law - Cosmic Law teaches principles that will spiral you in to a deeper understanding, interpretation, and recognition of the spiritual activity that manifests the physical reality that you now experience. You will gain an understanding of how to create change, by relying on your own intuition, consulting your personal spirit guides, connecting with divinity, and through exploration of past lives.

Foundational Energetics - Foundational Energetics teaches you how to use the power centers in your body through the use of graphic visualizations and guided meditations. Each power center has mundane and magical properties that are necessary for balanced spiritual growth, and mental, physical, & emotional health. The course focuses on mastering the use of the power centers, as well as understanding why, how, and when to utilize this energy.

Wiccan Philosophy This course conceptualizes the Wiccan Belief system. It explores several different dimensions of thought, and brings a new level of awareness and enlightenment about the way Spirit interacts with us individually and as a whole.

Required Text for this course is Awakening Spirit by Belladonna LaVeau currently available on WiccanCauldron.com 

No prerequisites required for this course.